Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Looking Outside The Window...

...I can see Dad teaching Kyle how to ride the bike for the first time without the training wheels on. Kyle is kinda scared but eagerness to learn prevailed. I can see the frustrations creeping in but that does'nt keep him from trying again and again.

...I can see beads of perspiration but I also see the glint of determination in his eyes. With eyebrows creased, a slight smirk he pushes that pedal like he's really sure that he can do it.

...I can see that he's getting tired... Tired of wrestling with his bike! He succumbed to the realization that learning to ride a bike is not a one-time thing. It takes a lot of patience and that he has to learn more about the so called "balancing act."

...I can see that he's giving up ...for now. Dad is getting tired too so it's time to go in and eat lunch. I can hear Kyle calling me from the front door asking me to help him with his shoes....yes, THAT tired that he can't even get his shoes off!

Got to go...the prince is calling!